Housing Support

Housing Support can be provided to any client living in our temporary accommodation or to someone in their own home/tenancy, if the person is 16 years old or over.

We deliver Housing Support, for up to 2 years, using a person-centred approach and flexible practices to promote independence, and to reduce the risk to individuals of future homelessness.

There are different reasons why people need help to manage their tenancy, including:

  • issues around benefits
  • issues with debt, money and budgeting
  • health and wellbeing
  • access to services
  • lack of social networks

For more information about this and other services, contact us to request a copy of "A Guide to Frontline Fife Services".

Your privacy is important to us, for information about how we use your data, please see our statement here: Short-term Housing Support Privacy Notice

More Information about the Fife Council’s Housing Partnership can be found here: www.fife.gov.uk/STHS